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Coming Soon I Saw The Tv Glow Original Soundtrack Release

Coming Soon: I Saw the TV Glow Original Soundtrack Release!

Experience the Spine-Tingling Sounds of A24's Latest Horror Masterpiece

Dive into the musical journey behind I Saw the TV Glow, a film that will haunt your thoughts long after you leave the theater.

Prepare yourself for a sonic experience like no other, as A24 Music announces the release of the I Saw the TV Glow Original Soundtrack on May 10th. This atmospheric and haunting soundtrack perfectly complements the film's unsettling and thought-provoking narrative.

Featuring an eclectic mix of indie rock's finest, the soundtrack captures the film's eerie and unsettling tone. Listeners can expect a captivating playlist that will send shivers down their spines and linger in their minds long after the credits roll.
