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Longtime Moderate Switches Independence

Senator Joe Manchin Leaves Democratic Party

Longtime Moderate Switches Independence

News Lead:

In a major political shift, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has announced his resignation from the Democratic Party to become an independent. The move has sent shockwaves through Washington and has significant implications for the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Manchin, a moderate Democrat who has represented West Virginia in the Senate since 2010, cited his frustration with the growing polarization within the party as his reason for leaving. He said that he believes his decision will allow him to better serve his constituents and bridge the political divide.

Manchin's departure from the Democratic Party is a significant setback for the party's efforts to maintain its slim majority in the Senate. Democrats now hold a 50-49 majority, and Manchin's defection could make it more difficult for the party to pass legislation.

The Republican Party is eager to welcome Manchin into their fold, and they believe his presence could help them win back control of the Senate in 2024. However, Manchin has said that he has no intention of joining the GOP and will instead remain an independent.

Manchin's decision is likely to have a significant impact on the upcoming presidential election. He is a popular figure in West Virginia, and his endorsement could be a valuable asset to any candidate who seeks to win the state's electoral votes.
